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古迹走走翻玩一天:寻找壁画 Heritage Walk For A Day: Finding Street Arts

8月 06, 2013

As all of us know, Penang as also known as the pearl of the orient and it was declared as a heritage site since 2008. And of course, these years since street arts exist in streets of heritage site, tourists from all of the world come and see these wonderful street arts.
当中较出名的是姐弟共骑(本头公巷 )和摩托小孩(阿贵街)。 今年,本地画家已经增添101 猫的壁画了。
One of the famous street arts will be the one with the two kids with the bicycle and the kid who drove on the motor. Besides that, local artists also add 101 kittens street arts to the streets.

This is the street art with two kids riding on the bicycle. But, somebody ruined the street art with curry sauce and luckily it was healed. I hope that please love this street arts when you come to photograph these street arts.
This is one of the street arts in Penang, cross over a big street and you will see new street arts. The street art above is a new-opened cafe which sells Nyonya Kuih, Western Coffee, Cheesecakes and broths.
左边的是我在附近的广场购买的星巴克饮料。右边则是我在那儿的咖啡店购买的松糕。蛮好吃,价钱也很公道。RM1.50 一个。
Left one is my Starbucks beverage while the right one is the muffin I bought from the cafe I introduced to all of you. The price are reasonable as one sells RM 1.50 for one.
若你想要去古迹区观赏这些壁画的话,步行和骑自行车都很方便。车子不鼓励驶入古迹区,毕竟古迹区的路会较窄。同时提醒您,千万别携带笨重的书包去。尽量不要穿人字拖鞋。而且,有几家店都有租轿车的行列。TOFU咖啡店也有租轿车。 要从那儿租的话可以邮寄他们tofu.hostel@gmail.com以获取更多消息。此外,还有另一家也租轿车, 就是振成隆(在本头公巷)。租费大约十至二十令吉。*希望大家要拟订好要去的路线,免得迷路哦!
If you want to visit these street arts, walking and having a bicycle is the best transportation as if you drive your car into the heritage area. Besides, you should NOT bring a big backpack and don't wear slippers enter the area and if you want to walk in the area for a long time. Also, there is a lot of rental shops that rent bicycle and you may go to TOFU at Prangin Lane for rental bikes. You may mail them tofu.hostel@gmail.com for more details. One of the other one is Chin Seng Leong situated at Armenian Street. Rental fees at about RM 10 to RM 20 for Chin Seng Leong's bicycles.
这是我和新壁画的照片。这只猫叫SKIPPY. 她是位残障猫。目前居住在浮罗交怡的某一家酒店。
This is me and the giant cat. This cat names Skippy as she is a OKU cat. She stays in Pulau Langkawi Now.

During the time the weather was extremely blistering and my eyes peeped together! Well then, this is the street art and when I went to snap it the picture was not completed yet. But now it's finished! (Opposite to the giant cat, Skippy)
Hey Yo motor kid! We're coming. This is one of the street art in Ah Quee Street.
走着走着,我们真的来到了爱情巷。爱情巷有许许多多的民宿让大家选择。Reggae Mansion 是其中一间了。若你曾经上过hostelworld.com  就知道各种评语了。
Soon, we walked to Love Lane. There are a lot of hostels to you choose from and Reggae Mansion is one of the hostels here too. If you surfed to hostelworld.com before and you will know their comments about hostels.

This is the Kungfu Girl Street Art and it was situated in a small temple. Remember to ask permissions too! (Muntri Street)
This is the street art I managed to snap at the Penang Road of Red Garden Food Cafe. It looks old due to the weather.
我们真的走不回了!只好看见一位搭三轮车老阿伯坐在五脚基等着生意时不时看着书刊。只好问了阿伯一趟多少钱。惊喜的是,阿伯只收我们十令吉!(可能我们是学生吧??)老阿伯是个“香蕉人”, 不谙华文。他告诉我们他以前在英校念书,只懂得一些华文普通字、英文、和福建话。
We really can't went back to our place! And we saw one uncle who was riding a trishaw and he's sitting on the Goh Kaki for waiting customers. The uncle was kind as he mention one ride cost RM 10(and we have two people including me!) Uncle is a "banana" as he just know English, Hokkien, and some Chinese.
This is the local artist' drawings. When I sat on the swing, it just brings me back my memories when I'm small and daydreaming on the swing...
Slam Dunk!
This is the local artist's street art in Armenian Street. We went there and the art was not finished yet but now I don't know how's it going on...
Okay, see you for the next time at my new post!

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