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就是爱 kurtos!

10月 25, 2013

今日的马来西亚不止可以找到马来西亚美食,还可以找到许多国家的美食! 今日的我,珺卉带你寻找好吃的匈牙利美食啦!
Nowadays, Malaysia was rich with various food from all of the world, the food that I'm going to introduce you will be the Hungarian Pastry, Kurtos!

什么是Kurtos? What is Kurtos?

Kurtos 是匈牙利的面包,也是拥有悠久的历史。而且Kurtos 这个名字也有意思的!Kurt 是烟囱, Kalacs 是蛋糕的意思。
Kurtos is a type of Hungarian Pastry and it has a long history, and besides, Kurt was mean as chimney while Kalacs is cake.

在槟城的皇湾广场 (Queensbay Mall),最顶楼的Queens Street 有家规模蛮小的匈牙利小食店。他们主打食品是像烟囱的蛋糕。价钱方面既合理,又大众化。读者若觉得自己食量蛮小的话,不妨试试看这道美味的匈牙利Kurtos 吧!
At Penang Queensbay Mall, all you can find Hungarian Pastry at the top of the mall. The shop is quite small but you can enjoy delicate pastries here! Besides, the prices were reasonable and affordable. If you guys do not mind to enjoy a big lunch, why don't you bring your family come to here and have a great time!

其步骤非常简单,先要把面包裹在一枝特制的面包模上。(这个没有拍到) 然后,洒糖下去。
The procedure are quite easy. First, the dough was put on a mould, and sprinkle sugar on it.

Next, put the sprinkled bread into the oven and bake for some time.

After baked for some time, it's time to decorate nicely your bread! The choices are a lot, such as sunflower seeds, chocolate chips and even chicken floss! 

之前来过一次,是吃Cinnamon Sugar (桂粉糖霜)。味道还不错,这次点了的是 Chocolate Rice (巧克力米),热烘烘的,感觉还蛮不错噢!=)
This time I had tried Chocolate Rice, and the previous time was Cinnamon Sugar, the taste was not bad. 

外头有个椅子,原本要坐下来拍摄,结果看到桌子上放了菜单! 之前在沙巴旅行时有这么样的经历,坐在桌子看夕阳,结果被服务员问了一大堆问题,没办法只好点了一杯水敷衍服务员咯!呵呵。。
There is a chair there with delightful decorations. At first I was thinking about going to sit there and have a snapshot, but I suddenly looked on the table and it was put with a menu. I had a quite terrible experience that I was watching the sunset and the waiter ask me that why am I sitting here without ordering any thing? I simply ordered a beverage for just because of the waiter! XD!

Place地点: 在顶楼的 Queens Street 饮食广场。At the upper floor of the Queens Street food court.

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